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Event & Press
PriMed Team Attended ADA 75th Scientific Sessions and Successfully Held Primed ADA Reception in Boston

During June 05 to June 08, 2015, 4 senior executives from Primed Biotech® attended the American Diabetes Association’s 75th Scientific Sessions. Five of PriMed team’s research achievements were exhibited at the session. They are  Screening for Diabetic Nephropathy in Monkeys with Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiomyopathy in a Type2 Diabetes Mellitus Rhesus Monkey Model, Naturally Occurring Dyslipidemia in Nonhuman Primates, Effects of a Long-Acting Formulation of Exenatide on Glucose and Weight Control in Type 2 Diabetic Rhesus Monkeys, and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Increased in Rhesus Monkeys with Spontaneous T2DM.

OnJune 06, nearly 40 scholars from global pharmaceutical companies attended thePriMed ADA Reception, working together to jointly fight against diabetes in acooperative and innovative way.


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